Insights are always brief, include a few pictures, and are intended to tell readers things they don’t know about buildings they know quite well.
Who Knew?
I have walked by 345 California hundreds of times and never knew that there was a hotel inside - 155 rooms on floors 38 – 48.
San Francisco's first sky scraper has survived earthquakes, fire, and more
A Touch of Nostalgia
There is something about the Art Deco building at 140 New Montgomery Street that warms the heart, at least my heart.
Innocence Lost
Remember when we could walk into an office building and ride an elevator to any floor without going through security first? Apparently, we lost our innocence back in July of 1993
Many moons ago, Mission Bay (303 acres) was a salt marsh/lagoon. In the mid-1800s, it became a place to dump refuse from building projects and later from the 1906 earthquake. Then, it became an industrial area