Insights are always brief, include a few pictures, and are intended to tell readers things they don’t know about buildings they know quite well.
“Mom, Dad – Guess What? I Finished College And I’m Going Into Construction!”
Your parents did everything they could to help you get into college. Bet you can’t wait to tell them the news that –wait for it –you’re going into construction. Construction? Seriously? Is that why you spent
Construction Offers Sustainability For The Environment… And Sustainable Careers For People Like You
Sharon Smith is a construction worker, but she seldom wears a hard hat or steps onto a construction site. Instead, Sharon, 24, consults to engineering, construction, and architectural firms in the area of sustainability. It’s
LISA Movement October ’18 Update: Sustainability
New College Grads Find Sustainability Jobs in the Construction Industry If you've spent time with recent college grads, likely you've pick up a priority they typically share as a group: a commitment to a sustainable lifestyle. Also,
LISA Movement Update
Subscribe To Receive The LISA Movement Updates, Click Here How Important Is Talent to the AEC Industry? We think--very important. In fact, if the Architecture Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry eventually wins the talent war, we believe our cities will
Boots on the Ground, or Up in the Lift: 181 Fremont Photo Shoot
A man hoist is not for the faint of heart but today LISA was in search of photos and information so up the 181 Fremont man hoist, or lift, we went.