Why Is That?

    With last month’s opening of The Summit at One Vanderbilt in New York City, NYC now has five buildings that cater to view-hungry visitors. San Francisco has none!

    2021-11-20T01:45:42+00:00 Happenings|

      Iconic to Celebrity

      Developers have learned a thing or two since 1973 when the Pyramid was completed. Some, not all developers and their architects, are thinking that their buildings are indeed celebrities and are worthy of celebrity attention

      2021-09-24T20:48:38+00:00 Happenings|

        Innocence Lost

        Remember when we could walk into an office building and ride an elevator to any floor without going through security first? Apparently, we lost our innocence back in July of 1993

        2021-04-05T19:10:57+00:00 Happenings|


          Many moons ago, Mission Bay (303 acres) was a salt marsh/lagoon. In the mid-1800s, it became a place to dump refuse from building projects and later from the 1906 earthquake. Then, it became an industrial area that included shipbuilding, canneries, warehouses, etc.  In the 1990s, it was a veritable wasteland owned by Southern Pacific Railway (who

          2021-02-24T20:10:37+00:00 Happenings|


            Back in 2002, Millennium Partners proposed the development of Millennium Tower, a new condominium complex at 301 Mission, essentially a 5-Star hotel without a hotel. This was soon after Millennium Partners launched its Four Seasons Hotel (the first combination hotel/condominium property in San Francisco at 757 Market Street). Four Seasons condominiums sold well after overcoming

            2021-06-11T18:32:48+00:00 Happenings|
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