Who Will Solve the Hidden Toxicity Lurking in Old Buildings?

Today, LISA had the pleasure of lunching with Lynn Simon from Thornton Tomasetti, who happens to be an architect and LEED Fellow. We are always interested in connecting with pioneering people who cross over traditional career lines. Lynn definitely falls into this category and we were pleased to learn her insights on the current hiring challenges for the AEC industry.

She also introduced a concept we had not encountered. While current buildings are constructed within the parameters of green sustainability objectives, what about old buildings that present a heavy burden on the environment. How does society re-engineer these structures to stop emitting poisons and consuming precious resources?

We love questions like this because surely it will be a brilliant young mind who envisions a solution.

Perhaps it will be you!

2018-08-09T00:56:29+00:00 Happenings|